Java Frameworks From Yes-M Systems LLC

Audience: Students with experience in Java EE programming
Student Location: To students from around the world
Delivery Method: Instructor-Led – Live online Training

Java Frameworks Training Online

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of Java frameworks for building scalable applications, covering JAX-RS for RESTful services, Spring Boot for Microservices development, essential database concepts, Spring Boot Actuator for monitoring, Spring Boot Security, Microservices architecture with Spring Cloud, API documentation using Swagger, Netflix OSS components like Eureka and Feign, and cloud hosting with AWS.

Key Features

Instructor-Led Online Training
Certification & Job Assistance
Flexible Schedule
100% Job Oriented Training
Work on Real-time Projects

Java Frameworks Course Details

JAX – RS (Restful Service)

What is JAX – RS
Need for JAX – RS
Web Services VS Web Resource
Building Web Resource using JAX – RS SUN Jersey implementation
Building a Web Resource client using Apache Commons HTTP Client API
What is ws – address, ws – security, ws – atomic transactions


Types of software architectures
SOA and Monolith Architecture
Why Micro services
Detailed Micro Service Architecture
– App Layer
– Business Layer
Enterprise Layer
– Infra Layer
Need of Spring Boot
Difference between Spring & Spring Boot
Advantages with Micro Services

Building Spring Boot Application

Normal Spring Manual Approach
Maven Overview
Spring Initializer
Eclipse with STS Plugin
Understanding the Spring Boot auto configuration

CRUD Operations

PostMan or Swagger Overview

Rest Annotation with Relation DB


JPA Repository Concepts

Crud Repository
JPA Query Concepts
Pagination and Sorting

Actuator Concepts

Production Monitoring
Health Check Concepts
Security Measurements

Spring Boot Custom Logging

Logging Level
Patterns Changes
Rolling Logs

Spring Boot Profile Components

Multiple Properties
Command Line Runner Example
Real time scenarios of components

Integration with Spring Web

Using Spring Web MVC
Using Spring Restful
Need of embedded servers & customization

Spring Boot Security

Basic Authentication
Form Based Authentication
Role Based Access Control
Attribute Based Access Control
LDAP Based
SSL Security
TLS Security

Database Concepts

Spring JDBC
Database to CSV
Spring Batch
Flyway Database Migration
Liquid Database Migration
Flyway vs Liquid
Hikari Connection Pool

Core Concepts

Spring Boot AOP
Spring Boot Cache
Guava Cache integration
Caffenine Cache
EH Cache
Spring MVC vs JAX-RS
SprinBoot with Jersey
Junit Integration
Rest Integration Test Cases

Micro Services

Micro Services Introduction
Principle and Characteristics
Use cases and Benefits
Design standards
Micro Services Communication
– Synchronous
– Asynchronous

Micro Services Design Considerations

Micro Services per JVM?
Micro Services share the data stores?
Micro Services Transaction boundaries
User Interfaces integration with Micro Services
Challenges in Micro Services implementation

Spring Cloud

Cloud Architecture
Cloud application benefits

Swagger API



Eureka Server & Eureka Client
Feign Client

Cloud Hosting

AWS Account Setup
Hosting to AWS
Enabling cloud features like load balancing, security


Do I get any discount on the course?

Yes, you get two kinds of discounts. They are group discount and referral discount. Group discount is offered when you join as a group, and referral discount is offered when you are referred from someone who has already enrolled in our training.

Who will provide the environment to execute the Practicals ?

The trainer will give Server Access to the course seekers, and we make sure you acquire practical hands-on training by providing you with every utility that is needed for your understanding of the course.

What is the qualification of the trainer?

The trainer is a certified consultant and has significant amount of experience in working with the technology.

Does MyyesM accept the course fees in installments?

Yes, we accept payments in two installments.

How does MyyesM Refund Policy work?

If you are enrolled in classes and/or have paid fees, but want to cancel the registration for certain reason, it can be attained within first 2 sessions of the training. Please make a note that refunds will be processed within 30 days of prior request.

Course Testimonials

Disclaimer: Yes-M Systems and/or their instructors reserve the right to make any changes to the syllabus as deemed necessary to best fulfill the course objectives. Students registered for this course will be made aware of any changes in a timely fashion using reasonable means.